Think beyond drinks and snacks — your guests will have a blast getting to know each other doing these cool activities.

Instead of asking yourselves how to keep the kids occupied during the cocktail hour or reception, think about your entire guest list. Adding a few games or ice-breakers is the best way to get people mixing and mingling before they sit down to dinner. Creative ideas below!

Croquet on the Lawn


A Giant Jenga Set 

Cocktail Table Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic Tac Toe tables at wedding reception


Customized Cornhole

A Mini Petting Zoo

A Game of I-Spy

Roasting Marshmallows

Reception bonfire with guests roasting s'mores

A Caricature Artist

A Game of Checkers

Rustic hay bale checkers at wedding reception

A Custom Piñata

Bride and cowboy boot pinata
 Courtesy of: Crazy Forus